02 - 11 -14 Int. Hurling Lge. Div. 3 Final Fr.O Neills v Eire Og in Riverstown time TBC.
19 -10-14 Int. Hurling Challenge Fr.O Neills 3:20 v Dungourney 1:10 in Aghavine.
Club Lotto
Club Lotto draw result from Fri. 17th Oct. Jackpot â¬10,000.00 numbers drawn 1, 2, 4, 8, 1 x winner Ger. Finn, match 3 consolation â¬100.00 not applicable, this weeks Jackpot is â¬2000.00, match 3 consolation â¬100:00 venue Garryvoe Hotel at 9:30pm on Fri. 24th Oct. Tickets available from Garryvoe Hotel, The Thatched Inn, Haven Hair Salon, OâFlynnâs MACE Srv. Station, Finns Tavern and all Adult and Juvenile Club Comm. Members, please support your Parish GAA Club. Congratulations to long time Club member and Juvenile Club sponsor Ger. Finn on being the first ever winner of the Jackpot in our Club Lotto which was drawn on last Friday night in Finns Tavern.
Harty Cup
Congrats and well done to both Midleton CBS and Pobailscoil na TrÃonoide Youghal on 2 hard earned victories last Weds. in this years Harty Cup, We had 10 Players involved between both panels well done to all.
Golf Society
Golf Society Captain Frank Careys final outing of the year takes place next Sun. the 26th from 10am til 1pm in WaterRock Golf Course, this annual 4 person Team scramble competition is eagerly looked forward to by all members of the Society every year and has always been a most enjoyable and fun filled outing every Oct. Bank Holiday weekend so get your name on the sheet which is available in OâFlynns Service Station.